Sunday, January 16, 2011

Media Impact

One thing that i think of when i hear media impact is body image. Many women and young women are influence, or compare themselves to who they see around them. Many people blame the media for putting out the idea image of what is normal and how one is suppose to look like. However, everyone comes from different background and shapes. What the media portray as the ideal women is one who is small and skinny. That ideal image creates a negative impact for women and girls.
The ideal image that is created by the media leads women to eating disorder. Eating disorder has a negative effect one women health and body. The models that are on magazine weigh twenty-five less than most normal women according the the article the media," The Media", by Karyn. This subject hits a close place to me because my friend had a problem with eating disorder and it took her a long time to get over that situation. I seen her at her worse and it was sad to me. I still supported her and was there whenever she needed me, so she didn't feel life she going though that struggle alone. This is why i think of eating disorder when i hear media impact because my friend wanted to change her shape to what she saw in the media. The is also other complaints dealing with the issues of media and eating disorder.

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